Been busy. Hit the shop in the morning and knocked out my days work by noon. Headed to Rick’s to drop off a Triumph frame for some fab work. Got home just in time to sign for a UPS package (Z-bars) and feed the dog. Checked the mail on the way out only to find my Born Loser T-shirt finally arrived. (will post later) Borrowed a trailer. Moved a bike out of storage. Hit up a local watering hole. Come 1 am – I’m back at the garage and I finally tracked down that damn oil leak! This is what I call a good day. If only I had found a little time to get some riding in.
chopper blog
Tags: bike, blog, born loser, chopper, choppers, chpper blog, damn, dog, drop, fab work, feed, frame, friday, friday nights, garage, good, hit, hole, knocked out, leak, little time, nights, oil, oil leak, rick, storage, t-shirt, trailer, triumph, watering hole, z-bars
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April 9, 2011 1:15 am |
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Yup, I’ve been slacking a bit. We’re moving to a new shop and trying to get the CHOPOUT plans finalized which is leaving little time for anything else. Hell, I even missed out on fellas night, last night. No tacos, no beer, no nothing. On a side note, I learned that using a spray gun for interior painting is the only way to paint! That roller BS is for chumps. New Digs photos coming soon along with some a whole Midwest garage series I’m planning for the winter. Choppers, bobbers, cafe racers, the whole thing. Check back often. Here’s a little trump I’ve been eyeballing.

Tags: back, beer, blog, bobbers, bs, cafe racers, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, choppers, chumps, fellas, fellas night, garage, garage series, hell, interior painting, little time, midwest, midwest garage series, new digs, night, photos, slack, slacking, spray gun, tacos, trump, using a spray gun, winter, yup
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August 3, 2010 8:52 am |
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Speed Club in Hayward. Sounds like you twin cities folk got a little rain? Sorry we missed it. We were up north in Hayward WI with the SC gang for a little trail time on the banshee. That thing never fails to push my limits. RL brought out his new EX for its official “breaking in.” Talk about one dependable machine. Never a moment of problem and hardly 2 gallons of gas in 6 hours! It was a good weekend. We even rolled in a little time at the casino AND a made the ritualistic pilgrimage to the Hayward Ballet.

Tags: ballet, banshee, breaking in, club, ex, gallon, gang, hayward, hayward ballet, hayward wi, honda, little rain, little time, machine, pilgrimage, ritualistic, rl, speed, speed club, trail time, twin cities, yamaha
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July 19, 2010 10:11 am |
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