Sorry for the late post today. Had to visit the dentist. Call me 5 years old if you want to… but I HATE the dentist. Rusty at work. Threading rod for the forward control linkage on Eric’s xs650 chopper project. Things are really coming along. His shift and brake linkage is complete. We just need to space his back wheel, hook up the hydro brake line and check his charging system and he’s squared away for the rest of the summer. We’ll post more stuff to the chopper blog along the way. Check back.

Tags: back, baclk wheel, blog, charging system, chopper, chopper blog, chopper project, dentist, eric, forward contols, forward control, garage, hook up, late, linkage, post, rod, shift, shift linkage, speed club, summer, threading, wheel, xs650, xs650 chopper
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May 12, 2010 12:22 pm |
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Eric’s bike is coming along. Finally got the front wheel spaced out and the throttle/clutch assembly mounted and working. Still need to knock out the forward control linkage and make a new custom hydro brake line for the rear caliper. Fired up the motor today for the first time in maybe two years. Runs pretty strong and loud. Might need to update the exhaust later on for reliability sake.

Tags: assmebly, bobber, clutch, custom, exhaust, fire, fired up the motor, forward controls, front wheel, hydro brake line, knock out, linkage, motor, new, pretty strong, rear caliper, runs, spaced, throttle, two years, xs650, xs650 bobber
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May 9, 2010 7:00 am |
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