Met up a week ago last Sunday with the fellas at the Blood Temple of Black Acid Beast. Zac was looking to get some pics of Pete and Hans bikes for Show Class. I rode along to get some video and mostly for the fun of it. Diamond Dave, Jordan, Reinhart and Hot Bobby were along too. –Jordan fixing his PBR kids hat.
We blasted through the state and over to Stillwater. Hopped the shoulder to skirt a two mile back up and somewhere along the way some asshole jumped in behind us thinking he was slick. He got his. The cops jumped in behind HIM and HE got stopped while the rest of us banged our way down the hill and around the bend. Zac’s tank sprung a major leak. After a little repair we started making our way back to the cities. Zacs tank was fucked. — Hans, Dave, and Zac inspecting the damage.

Me, Dave, Jordan and Hot Bobby split off at 35W, splitting lanes, destroying highway, 90-per (Dave leading the way on his FXR) as we high tailed it back to the Cities. Apparently somewhere along the way some douche got pretty mad about me shaking the paint of his hybrid and tried to clip me! Yeah! I didnt even know about it until Jordan told me what had happened. It goes back to the golden rule. Think Fast – Go Faster.
Tags: 90 per, asshle, asshole, beast, bikes, black acid beast, blog, blood, chopper, chopper blog, cities, clip me, cops, dave jordan, diamond dave, douche, down hill, fellas, fxr, golden rule, hans, highway 90, hot bobby, hybrid, jordan, last sunday, leading the way, leak, mad, nbsp, paint, pete, reinhart, show class, skirt, splitting lanes, stillwater, tank, temple, think fast - go faster, two mile, zac
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October 10, 2011 10:06 pm |
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Been busy. Hit the shop in the morning and knocked out my days work by noon. Headed to Rick’s to drop off a Triumph frame for some fab work. Got home just in time to sign for a UPS package (Z-bars) and feed the dog. Checked the mail on the way out only to find my Born Loser T-shirt finally arrived. (will post later) Borrowed a trailer. Moved a bike out of storage. Hit up a local watering hole. Come 1 am – I’m back at the garage and I finally tracked down that damn oil leak! This is what I call a good day. If only I had found a little time to get some riding in.
chopper blog
Tags: bike, blog, born loser, chopper, choppers, chpper blog, damn, dog, drop, fab work, feed, frame, friday, friday nights, garage, good, hit, hole, knocked out, leak, little time, nights, oil, oil leak, rick, storage, t-shirt, trailer, triumph, watering hole, z-bars
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April 9, 2011 1:15 am |
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