Headed over to the house of the unholy for the typical Thursday night round up. Something made me go. I was gonna sit around and watch TV but I realized this might be the last time to hang out with Gator before he leaves for FL!
Everyone was out. There’s lots to celebrate. New Kevin’s bike is in this issue of ShowClass Mag. I’ve almost got my shovelhead flywheels trued. Blaine has just about everything to start assembling his pan. There’s a swap this Sunday and I picked up a sexy girder from Pete! The bummer was that with Gator splitting, things just won’t be the same. I’m sure Gator will be back in town now and again. Here are a few quick photos I managed to snag while running around the shop.

Tags: blaine, bum, bummer, celebrate, chopper blog, gator, girder, house of the unholy, in town, last time, new kevin, pan, pete, photos, running, shop, shovelhead, show class magazine, snag, split, thursday night, TV
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October 14, 2011 2:59 am |
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I was flipping through the channels last night and ran across “The Hard Ride” circa 1971. I remember the last time I saw this movie must have been like 10 years ago. There’s a really funny scene where the dude ties a dirt bike to his sissy bar and straight tows the thing off. It’s your typical strange and almost plot-less biker flick. Feel free to right click the image for the big version. That way you can save it to your computer for a desktop background or something.

Tags: 10 years, 1971, bar, big, biker flick, biker movie, blog, channel, chopper, chopper blg, desktop background, dirt bike, dude, flick, free, funny, last time, movie, off, plot-less, ran, scene, sissy bar, strange, the hard ride, tow, tows
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January 30, 2011 11:27 am |
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It’s time for a road trip into no mans land. We’ve left for Northern Minnesota. We’re first headed up to Duluth followed by a trip through Tower and into Ely. From there, we head south on RT 1. For anyone who has never ridden one… this is a road less traveled. The last time I rode this stretch of asphalt, I shifted into neutral and coasted downhill for more than 3-4 miles at a time. Tons of little twists and turns, blind corners and wilderness. My last trip included almost rounding a corner into a wolf standing by the road side in broad daylight. Had to pack the tools for this one. Will get pics and return with stories.

Tags: asphalt, blind, blind corners, broad daylight, corners, daylight, duluth, ely, last time, man, minnesota, neutral, no man, no mans land, northern minnesota, road trip, rt 1, shifted, stretch, time, tower, turns, twists, wilderness, wolf
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May 21, 2010 7:00 am |
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Gringo and Mickey’s Moto Psych Swap Meet is back at the St. Paul Armory on March 14th.
There was a lot of great stuff out there last time including the dude from LifeisFuct with a bunch of merch. Inner primary, spoke wheels, jet kits, drag pipes, helmets, leather, you name it… It’s there. Speed Club was also in attendance. We got rid of a bunch of stuff from the garage including an awesome cafe headlight and tail section from an old cafe Sportster. That’s right… Midwest cycle freaks be there.
Dig it
Tags: armory, armry, attendance, belt drive, drag pipes, freaks, freaks. inner primary, great stuff, gringo, gringo and mickey's, helmets, jet kits, last time, leather, lifeisfuct, mickey, midwest, moto, moto psycho swap meet, old cafe, pipes, psych, psycho, speed club, spoke wheels, sportster, st paul, swap meet, wheels
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March 12, 2010 10:43 am |
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It’s cold out here in the Twin Cities but we’ve finally begun our spring thaw! With that, Gringo and Mickey’s Moto Psych Swap Meet is back at the St. Paul Armory on March 14th. There was a lot of great stuff out there last time including the dude from LifeisFuct with a bunch of merch. Speed Club was also in attendance. We got rid of a bunch of stuff from the garage including an awesome cafe headlight and tail section from an old cafe Sportster. I’ve attached some photos from the last swap back in December. That’s right… Midwest cycle freaks do it in the snow. Dig it – See you there!

Tags: armory, attendance, blog, cafe headlight, cycle freaks, freaks, garage, great stuff, gringo, last time, lifeisfuct, meet, mickey, mickey's, midwest, moto, moto psycho, photos, psych, psycho, snow, speed club, sportster, spring, spring thaw, st paul, swap, swap meet, tail section, twin cities
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March 4, 2010 4:51 pm |
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