Still whirling on the trip.There was so much to see and do. I tried my best to capture as much amazing shit as possible. I saw great electric giants and found a lost cycle wastelands in the middle of the desert. Never mind the rattle snakes as we watched a one legged man kick start a Bonneville Harley flathead, I was spin kicking the devil into a 20ft dream catcher while some kid from Canada proceeded to melt my mind! Just then I thought I’d survive the flames but instead I was fed two year old chili and accidentally stepped on Speed Ages orange rug. I was a foreigner in this land yet I still managed to find a 4 speed ratchet case and single-handedly stopped some 8 year old girl from beaning our van with a brick. I was lucky this time but I have the map and we shall return! ~ Enjoy!
*oh yeah – Hot Donna was there too.
Tags: 4 speed, amazing, bean, bonneville, born free, brick, cali, canada, case, chili, chopper blog, cycle wasteland, devil, dream catcher, electric, fed, flames, flathead, giant, harley, kick start, land, lost, map, melt, middle desert, mind, one legged man, ratchet top, rattle snakes, return, rub, speed age, spin kick, step, survive, van, whirling
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July 11, 2011 10:28 pm |
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Yeah, this dude is actually a pastor of a church. He totally landed it too? Probably cause he’s got the big G.O.D on his side!

Chopper Blog
Tags: big, big g, blog, chopper, chopper blog, church, god, land, pastor steve, steve
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March 24, 2011 12:38 pm |
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I love a hillclimb! Talk about a great way to spend a Sunday. My pappy was real big into this hillclimb stuff way back when everyone showed up on sh*t you wouldn’t dare hit a hill with today! I saw this photo and thought it was a perfect example of that feeling you get when your fightin’ that hill and praying to god that you dont land on your balls. I cant say for sure but it looks like this guy is riding a BSA??

Tags: balls, big, blog, bobber, bobber blog, BSA, chopper, chopper blog, climb, dare, example, feel, fightin, god, hill, hill climb, hillclimb, land, love, pappy, perfect, photo, praying to god, ptay, real, sh*t, stuff, sunday, today
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April 25, 2010 7:00 am |
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