Drag bikes are my thing. I cant get enough of em and Im pretty sure the next bike project I get sucked into will almost definitely end up being a drag bike of some kind. Im thinking either an H3, RD, KZ or maybe Ill go shovel. I cant wait to drag the wife and kids down to the track to sit under a white tent, eatin hotdogs, and sippin on coca cola. Drag racing is good old family fun.

Tags: bike project, blog, chopper, chopper blog, coca cola, drag bike, drag bikes, drag racing, family, family fun, fun, fun life, good old, h3, hot dog, hotdogs, kz, next bike, pretty, rd, shovel, sippin, sucked, tent, white tent
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December 13, 2011 11:00 pm |
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Damn – no joking. I was gonna put together an xs drag bike this winter for shits and giggles down at the track next spring. I was gonna use the XS motor cause they’re cheap and parts are all over the place both in junkyards and the web. Well much to my surprise today as I was cruising Zen of Neato, somebody already beat me to it. Fuck me. This bike looks good and scary too. I do not however see an air shift kit so Im wondering if this thing is real or for show??? Now I guess I gotta go KZ or maybe RD? I do love those Yamaha 2-strokes. Anyway, Im usually not one to post others content but this shit is worth the look. enjoy

Tags: at the track, beat me, chopper blog, drag bike, giggles, junkyards, kz, looks scary, rd, scary, shits and giggles, strokes, surprise, web, winter project, yamaha 2 stroke, zen, zen of neato. xs motor
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September 28, 2011 12:26 pm |
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So tomorrow (the 15th of July) is 3rd Thursday. This is a lot like first Thursday… only 2 weeks later and at hosted in and around the BlueCat Shop. Never been to Bluecat Motors? Here’s the link. Speed Club will be in attendance so make sure you say hello. Bring out your cicle cause we’re always looking for stuff to photograph. Who knows, you might see yourself here on the site! This is an all bikes are welcome kinda thing. Lots of xs650’s, KZ’s, CB’s, GT’s, etc, etc, etc. We hope to see all of you out there.

Tags: 15th, 1st thursday, 2 weeks, all bikes, attendance, bg, bikes, blog, bluecat, bluecat motors, cafe, cafe racer, cb, chopper, chopper blog, cicle, first thursday, gt, hell, hello, july, kz, link, link speed, motorcycle mania, out, photograph, racer, shop, site, speed club, st paul, xs650, yourself
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July 14, 2010 7:00 am |
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