Went off a couple weekends back. Met some new friends and lost track of and re-found some old ones! Slepts behind a bar and then slept in an abandoned bar the next night. Drank a bunch of club guys beers while their backs were turned. Bike ran great until the ignition fried on the way home. Managed to meet a guy who gave me a complete points ignition. I tossed it in and timed it in a parking lot and we were back on our way limping the rest of the way home.
So good to squeeze in one last sun burn for the summer. Now it’s back down into the 60’s here so pretty soon we’ll have to hit some country roads and watch the leaves turn.
In other news:
Super Shifters are back in Stock!
Midesota’s are coming back from chrome today so I’ll updated the shopping cart within the next 24 hours.

This year was the best yet. We’re pretty lucky in MN to have a solid group of guys who are down to ride blindly across the midwest. There’s no golden ticket at the end of the rainbow here. No free Knuckleheads will ever be given away. No “sponsors” will be setting up booths. There are no tickets sold out. There is NO chance at instagram infamy at any time.
The revolution will not be televised.
Tags: best, blindly, booths, chopper blog, giveaway, golden ticket, instagram, knucklehead, lucky, midwest, MN, no chance, revolution, sold, sponsors, st mary, televised, tickets, wild ride 3
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September 15, 2014 10:20 am |
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I checked out last year. I’d had my fill of the internet and instagram chopper thing and ended up taking a filthy black shovelhead from Minnesota down to Mississippi and then back around to Milwaukee in search of more fun. Four or five thousand miles, my mids, pegs, brakes, and bars. I don’t know many mother fuckers going to that extent to put their shit to the test these days but I know beyond a shadow of doubt – My shit goes the extra mile. If you want parts you can count on – get em here. – Speed Club
Tags: brakes, chopper blog, chopper parts, harley, instagram, mids, milwaukee, parts, pegs, shovelhead
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June 5, 2014 11:29 pm |
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Our new site has a lot of really amazing photography by none other than my man in the cut, Joe Mustari. Joe’s planning a few updates to his site (mustaribrand.com) which sounds like it will end up a really rad photo blog. Check out his site and find him on instagram (mustaribrand) if you haven’t already.

No fuss, no slow reveal bullshit. EVERYTHING AT ONCE! We have a completely new line of hard parts, a catalog, a fresh site, we’re kickstarting the instagram feed (@speed_club), and we’re going hard, bitch! Check out the shop for a full list of what we’re sitting on. We don’t do fashion here so if you’re looking for something to wear, try Abercrombie & Bitch.
Otherwise, follow us on le’ gram.
Tags: blog, chew, chopper parts, east coast, harley davidson, instagram, midwest, minneapolis, minnesota, service, st paul
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May 13, 2014 12:08 pm |