Went to Stillwater MN over the weekend with a few friends. Weird… the closer to the water we got, the hotter it got. Stumbled across all kinds of Motorcycle Memorabilia and snapped a few shots along the way. I think the old antique store ladies thought I was coming back to rob the place or something.

Tags: antique store, blog, chopper, chopper blog, friends, hawk, honda, honda toy, hot, ladies, memorabilia, MN, motorcycle, motorcycle memorabilia, motorcycle toy, old, rob, shots, snap, stillwater, toy, water, weird
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August 30, 2010 11:34 am |
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Speed Club in Hayward. Sounds like you twin cities folk got a little rain? Sorry we missed it. We were up north in Hayward WI with the SC gang for a little trail time on the banshee. That thing never fails to push my limits. RL brought out his new EX for its official “breaking in.” Talk about one dependable machine. Never a moment of problem and hardly 2 gallons of gas in 6 hours! It was a good weekend. We even rolled in a little time at the casino AND a made the ritualistic pilgrimage to the Hayward Ballet.

Tags: ballet, banshee, breaking in, club, ex, gallon, gang, hayward, hayward ballet, hayward wi, honda, little rain, little time, machine, pilgrimage, ritualistic, rl, speed, speed club, trail time, twin cities, yamaha
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July 19, 2010 10:11 am |
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Yeah – This is actually NOT a chop job! It’s originally some kind of Italian trike frame including the truckster style bed. The guy who finished it said the old bed was garbage so he had to whip up a new one. He also installed a twin hydro powered jack motors to automatically lift and dump as needed. He also ended up replacing the front end and tank with some Honda stuff cause the original condition of a lot of the thing was pretty rough. Anyway. It’s clean, runs great, clutchless 4 speed w/ reverse and it would make a great track toy. Gotta get me one!

Tags: 4 speed, chop, chop job, clutchless, dump, dumptrike, front end, garbage, honda, honda tank, italian trike, jack motors, job, lift, motor, not, old bed, reverse, style bed, tank, track toy, trike frame, truckster, twin, whip
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July 6, 2010 7:00 am |
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