Headed down to Dulono’s last Thursday to check out the bikes and meet up with friends. Tagged along behind Zac Doom (Heavy-Clothing.com), Hans, and the other fellas all the way down Lake Street. Finally officially met Zac in person which was very cool. A good time was had by all. Here’s a few photo highlights. I’ll post a few more later.

Tags: bikes, cool, doom, dulono's pizza, fellas, first thursday, friends, good, good time, hans, heavy-clothing.com, high, irst thursday minneapolis, lake street, last thursday, lights, minneapolis, person, photo, zac, Zac Doom
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June 5, 2010 7:00 am |
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What a bummer. Worked late at the shop last night and rolled the bike out to drive over. About half way there I got dumped on, turned it around and high tailed it back to the Speed Club Garage. Next month isn’t too far away. There’s always next time. More pics for the chopper blog is always nice. Check back for more Midwest Moto Chopper Bobber pics and blog. We post daily. – SC

Tags: bike, blog, bobber, bummer, chopper, chopper blog, club garage, daily, drive, drive over, dumped, first thursday, first thursday minneapolis, high, high tailed, late last night, midwest, minneapolis, month, moto, next month, over, pics, post, post daily, rain, rain out, rolled out, speed club, speed club garage, what a bummer, worked
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May 7, 2010 9:47 am |
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