Last seasons CHOPOUT 2010 unseen footage of Super-Bry in a hardware store parking lot remounting his rear fender. A little smooth talking at the parts counter led to borrowing a few tools free of charge. Some dude eventually strolled up and gave his kid a roadside lesson in good karma. Many thanks to that fella for rolling around on the ground and lending a helping hand to a stranger.
Finally knocked out the cycle lift today. This thing has been my great white buffalo all summer long. For the past 4 months, every time I called up H.F. they were out of stock. Finally I pooled my coupons and gift cards together and had the damn thing delivered.
We’ve returned from the shovelhead underground. Managed to come out the other side with a couple shovelhead motors. One complete and the other is a basketcase shovelhead. The dude I bought everything from is a pretty cool fella. The more we hung out the more stuff he threw in with the deal. Managed to drive off with 2 motors, coils, carbs, a spare engine stand, a set of straight pipes and he even tossed in a few books and hard parts catalogs. I gave him a list of some other odds and ends that I’ve been looking for so hopefully I’ll be headed back soon for a few more goodies. Speed Club Approved.