I have a gen shovel 4spd ratchet top trans. Its in perfect working order. New main shaft seal. Its not gonna work for my project cause the main shaft is too short. The typical cone shovel 4spd ratchet top has a slightly longer shaft needed to help align the belt primary to a cone shovel motor. In an effort to save myself time and money, I’m opting to ask if anyone wants to trade up even my older 4sp for a newer cone 4spd. Again, my 4spd is in good working order. No bad/jumping gears. I only want to trade for a trans of the same condition. Not interested in cowpies either. Email me at info@speedclubinc.com

Tags: 4spd, bad, belt primary, chopper blog, cone shovel, cowpie, gears, jumping, main shaft, money, project, ratchet top, same condition, seal, shaft, shaft seal, shovel, time and money, trade opportunity, trans
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February 7, 2012 12:10 pm |
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Went out Sunday to Cattail Trail in Polk County Wisconsin to break in the new Banshee. Had a pretty good time. The trail is 100% flat (railroad bed) without many turns at all. Ultimately not the most exciting of trails but it was great for opening that Banshee up and jamming through the gears. I was definitely pushing 70MPH at one stretch which reassured me that ATV’s = FUN! Dig it – Speed Club

Tags: 70mph, atv, banshee, bed, break, dig it, exciting, flat, fun, gears, good, jamming, out, photo, polk county, push, railroad, speed club, stretch, sunday, wisconsin
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April 22, 2010 7:34 am |
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Here are a few more pics for the chopper blog from the Donnie Smith Swap Meet.

Tags: 2010, 5 speed, blog, chopper, chopper blog, covers, cycle, dead grateful, donnie smith, gears, harley, kick start, pics, shovelhead, swap meet, taillight, transmission
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April 2, 2010 7:00 am |
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