Get ’em while they last. We’re trying to raise money to pay for this years Born Free booth. Last year we sponsored the event in spirit. We donated some cash and attended in person but didnt go all-in with the booth and the set up. This year, we are trying to raise the money for both the vendor slot as well as the typical travel expense to get the bikes and booth to the party. Harpoon and Grant put on quite a show. This may be the last year so we are all in! Be the first on your block to have a Speed Club Track Tee. Every shirt comes with some free stickers. Every shirt pays our way just a little farther down the road. Support your local motorcycle blogs. Attend Born Free 4.

Tags: 4, bikes, booth, born free, chopper blog, club shirts, fma, free stickers, grant, harpoon, money, motorcycle, pays our way, raise money, shirt, speed club, spirit, track tee, travel expense, travel expenses, vendor
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September 28, 2011 9:40 am |
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That’s right folks. We just got some more Speed Club stickers in today so get ’em while they last. This time we’ve ordered up some rad 3.5″ circle badges. Perfect for that tool box, battery box, rear window, bumper, tank, or a lady friends nipple! Submit your name and mailing address to our form on the contact page and sweet Speed Club stickers will arrive at your door. It’s that simple.
NOTE: All t-shirt orders include a few Free stickers for good karma.

Tags: 3.5", address, badges, battery box, box, bumper, bumper tank, circle badge, club stickers, door, folks, form, free, free stickers, friend, karma, lady, lady friend, lady friends, mailing, mailing address, nipple, rad, rear window, right, shovelhead, shovelhead sticker, speed club, sticker, submit, t-shirt, tank, tool, tool box
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June 19, 2010 7:00 am |
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We’ve received word on a few motorcycle events coming up this summer here in the twin cities. Speed Club is excited to announce that we are working on being a sponsor at a few of them! We’re also hard at work trying to get products in and onto the site as well as having some cheap T-Shirts made up. Check back often for updates on all Minneapolis and St Paul summer time motorcycle madness. We’ll be posting updates to the chopper blog regularly and as soon as we get some products in we’ll kick on the shopping cart. Don’t forget – we’ve got some free stickers left. Email us your mailing address and we’ll toss some into the mailbox for you.
– over and out.

Tags: blog, cheap, chopper, chopper blog, cities, club announcement, free, free stickers, madness, mail, mailing address, minneapolis, minneapolis st paul, motorcycle, motorcycle events, motorcycle madness, products, shirt, shopping cart, site, speed club, sponsor, st paul, stickers, summer time, t-shirts, twin, twin cities, word, work
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April 26, 2010 1:29 pm |
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