Drew it up last month. Finally got a big stack of these things delivered today and I’m die cutting ’em at the print shop right now. Send self addressed stamped envelope for some stickers to:
Speed Club
2500 University Avenue – B8
Saint Paul MN 55114

Tags: b8, big, chopper blog, crank, delivered, die cutting, free, print shop, saint paul mn, self, self addressed stamped envelope, speed club, stack, stickers, university avenue
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January 3, 2012 7:16 pm |
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Tomorrow (Saturday) Bluecat in St Paul MN is hosting a special sales event on merch from Bell, Teknic and Scorpion. What exactly is for sale? You’re going to have to come find out. It’ll be a mix of samples and new stuff, all at great prices. It’s more than just a sale though. Live music from The Violent Shifters and the first 30 customers who spend more than $100 will receive a free tamale and grape soda from El Taco Riendo Taqueria. Sale runs from 10:00am to 3:00pm Saturday only. Get there early for the deals, stay for the band.
located at 460 North Prior Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104
Tags: band, bell, bluecat, bluecat motors, chopper, chopper blog, customers, free, grape soda, live music, merch, MN, new stuff, sale, scorpion, shifters, st paul, st paul mn, stuff, taco, tamale, taqueria, teknic, violent shifters
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December 9, 2011 2:14 pm |
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Finally got the bottom end completed. Got that Andrews AB cam spaced out proper. Cone back on. Tappets and hydro lifters cleaned and neatly back in place. New rings on .060 over pistons. Cylinders torqued back down and I even took a minute to set the timing. For now Im shelving the motor and Ill come back to the top end when I have more free time. I’ve got a couple pairs of heads that I need to have blasted before I reassemble so I’ll just save up the extra scratch and service all of them at the same time. This thing is looking real good and should run even better. Much thanks to Gator and Bear on this one. They both really laid some knowledge on me during the entire rebuild. Learning shovels from the best in the biz is a humbling (and equally rad) experience. More from the chopper blog soon.

Tags: .060 over pistons, 74", 74" love, andrews ab, bear, biz, blog, cam, chopper, chopper blog, couple pairs, cylinders, experience, free, free time, gator, humbling, hydro lifters, knowledge, lifters, love, motor, pairs of heads, pistons, rad, rebuild, rings, run, scratch, shovelhead, shovelheads, spaced out, tappets, top end
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October 25, 2011 10:34 pm |
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Heated Winter Storage for your Motorcycle, Chopper, Bobber, Dirt bike, ATV, Scooter, etc.
Yeah! This fall/winter, we’ve decided to open up our shop to offering winter storage for your bike.
Here’s the details:
Cheap-cheap-cheap! Just $30 a month.
Pay up front or pay/month. Its up to you!
Our lock-up is located in Minneapolis just off of Hennepin Avenue.
Totally climate controlled.
Super secure!
We winterize your bike for you free of charge.
Stabilize Tank.
Drain Carbs.
Tend battery.
FREE Pick up within the Twin Cities.
$30 for out of city pick up.
Any questions or to book your spot, jut email me at info@speedclubinc.com.
Tags: 30, atv, battery, bobber, bok, carbs, chopper, chpper blog, climate controlled, drt bike, fall, free, heated winter storage, hennepin avenue, lock up, minneapolis, motorcycle, motorcycle storage, pick up, questions, scooter, shop, spot, stabilize, storage, super secure, tank, twin cities, winter, winterize your bike, your bike
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September 14, 2011 10:00 am |
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