Found this today on the Born Loser site. I already emailed the dude. Hopefully i hear back from him soon. I gotta get this thing home to MN. I would definitely ditch what Im building now and toss it all into this frame. This Ness set up is a real treasure to behold.
Tags: born loser, chopper, chopper blog, digger, ditch, dude, emailed, frame, home, loser, mike davis, MN, ness set up
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February 22, 2012 12:53 pm |
Comments Off on Courtesy of Mike Davis
Im on fire right now son! Threw a new MK on a wheel, bars welded last night, sold some shit, bought some shit, bent up a bitch bar with New Kevin and I’ve got a vintage track racing bike project coming into the shop here shortly. I should have my frame ready for paint by Valentines Day. Donnie Smiffz here I come bitch!

Tags: bar, bent, bike, bike project, bitch, blog, bought, chopper, chopper blog, coming, day, donnie smith, frame, last night, mk, MKII, new kevin, on fire, paint, project, ready, shit, shop, shortly, sld, soon, tire, valentines, vintage track racing, welded, wheel
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February 2, 2012 4:03 pm |
Comments Off on Get to work, son!
Older Big Twin 4spd Jammer frame for sale in the chopper shack. Good clean frame ready to build. Have a look.

Tags: big twin, big twin frame, choper blog, chopper, chopper parts, clean, for sale, frame, jammer frame, old
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December 14, 2011 9:39 am |
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Been busy. Hit the shop in the morning and knocked out my days work by noon. Headed to Rick’s to drop off a Triumph frame for some fab work. Got home just in time to sign for a UPS package (Z-bars) and feed the dog. Checked the mail on the way out only to find my Born Loser T-shirt finally arrived. (will post later) Borrowed a trailer. Moved a bike out of storage. Hit up a local watering hole. Come 1 am – I’m back at the garage and I finally tracked down that damn oil leak! This is what I call a good day. If only I had found a little time to get some riding in.
chopper blog
Tags: bike, blog, born loser, chopper, choppers, chpper blog, damn, dog, drop, fab work, feed, frame, friday, friday nights, garage, good, hit, hole, knocked out, leak, little time, nights, oil, oil leak, rick, storage, t-shirt, trailer, triumph, watering hole, z-bars
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April 9, 2011 1:15 am |
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Here it is… The winning ticket ladies. Yeah – my Born Free 3 Poster arrived today along with the ticket. I’m a letterpress printer by day but I’ve had a lot of experience in screen printing too and I gotta say; These posters are looking pretty sweet. Maybe sometime in the next few months I get around to knocking out a frame for it. Get yours here.

~ chopper blog
Tags: 3 poster, blog, born free 3, brn free show, chopper, chopper blog, frame, knock out, letterpress, letterpress printer, posters, printer, printing, screen, screen printing, sweet, winning ticket
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January 28, 2011 4:49 pm |
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