Woke up to a call from Pete. I’m late for a swap meet. Luckily I’m only 2 miles from the fairgrounds. Made a big cup of coffee and hustled my ass on over. At 8am, the swap was in full swing. Ran around solo for an hour. Scored a weird fire bell and an old oil tank. Caught up with Pete and walked the swap for another hour or two. Pete was the big winner for the day. Dig this old door.

Ran back home to knock out some yard work and frame a window. Then I was back out to Selby cause I struck a deal with Pete on an old shop truck. 1970 F100. She’s a rust bucket but she’s got charm. Came back and drove around the neighborhood all evening with my son. Finished the night with some good old Walking Dead. I love that show. Life is good.

Tags: 1970, any sunday, ass, bell, chopper blog, cup of coffee, dig, f100, fire, fire bell, full swing, hustle, life, love, neighborhood, oil tank, on any sunday, pete, rust bucket, scored, selby, swap meet, walking dead, weird
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October 16, 2011 7:24 pm |
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Eric’s bike is coming along. Finally got the front wheel spaced out and the throttle/clutch assembly mounted and working. Still need to knock out the forward control linkage and make a new custom hydro brake line for the rear caliper. Fired up the motor today for the first time in maybe two years. Runs pretty strong and loud. Might need to update the exhaust later on for reliability sake.

Tags: assmebly, bobber, clutch, custom, exhaust, fire, fired up the motor, forward controls, front wheel, hydro brake line, knock out, linkage, motor, new, pretty strong, rear caliper, runs, spaced, throttle, two years, xs650, xs650 bobber
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May 9, 2010 7:00 am |
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