Me Pete and Reinhart road out to the Scooter Trash show last Saturday. No kidding – it was 36 degrees when I woke up that morning. Made for a chilly ride but the sun was shining and a good time was had by all. Reinhart got this pic of Me and Pete bullshitting at a light somewhere. I did manage to get some half assed video of Pete and Reinhart riding down 13 which Im editing now. The show was cool. Nothin epic to report. I hung back behind the Union Speed booth with Jordan. Thanks for the pic Reinhart.

Tags: bullshitting, chilly, chopper blog, cool, epic, good time, half assed, jordan, last saturday, me, pete, ride, scooter trash, show, sun, sun was shining, union speed, video
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October 3, 2011 2:04 pm |
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Spencer has been hard at work all week trying to get his little Triumph rocking. After much frustration and late nights… she’s alive and actually ridable. It was a little touch and go there for a while but he managed to squeak the bike past the finish line early this evening. Check him out today at Full Tilt. Where exactly is full tilt at? Great questions. Victoria and Jefferson intersection in St Paul right next to Tav on the Ave. Be there. This will be Epic.

On a side note. It’s 1am and I’m at the shop downloading video and pics from the Pre-Tilt party. Steve lent me a really sweet Rode mic for my camera. Making me look all for serious and what not. Harpoon and Grant (Born Free/FMA) are here, Josh Kurpius and the Death Science crew made it, Eternal combustion is here along with a whole lot of other folks too. The show is all on the up and up. This thing will be quite the gathering.

Tags: 1am, alive, blog, born free, camera, chopper, chopper blog, congrats, crew, death science, epic, eternal combustion, eternal conbustion, finish line, fma, folks, frustration, full tilt, grant, harpoon, intersection, jefferson, josh kurpius, lent, little touch and go, manage, nbsp, party, pre tilt, science crew, shop, show, spencer, squeak, tav on the ave, triumph, victoria, video, week, whole lot
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July 24, 2011 1:35 am |
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This is the first year for FT and its proving to be epic. In your final days as you lay there gasping for breath on the side of the highway you are going to start thinking about the things you missed out on in life. Some kid on a bicycle runs over to your dying body. You open one eye barely whisper… “full tilt.” Support your local chopper blogs. Be there.

Tags: bare, bicycle, blog, chopper, chopper blog, cycle, epic, full tilt, gasp, highway, huge, kid, local, whisper
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July 13, 2011 11:31 am |
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