Headed down to Dulono’s last Thursday to check out the bikes and meet up with friends. Tagged along behind Zac Doom (Heavy-Clothing.com), Hans, and the other fellas all the way down Lake Street. Finally officially met Zac in person which was very cool. A good time was had by all. Here’s a few photo highlights. I’ll post a few more later.

Tags: bikes, cool, doom, dulono's pizza, fellas, first thursday, friends, good, good time, hans, heavy-clothing.com, high, irst thursday minneapolis, lake street, last thursday, lights, minneapolis, person, photo, zac, Zac Doom
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June 5, 2010 7:00 am |
Comments Off on Another Firsth Thursday in Minneapolis
You know it. First Thursdays – Uptown Minneapolis – Dulono’s Pizza.
You heard it. Speed Club – Midwest Chopper Blog.

Tags: be there, chopper, chopper blog, dulono's pizza, DULONOS, first, first thursday, first thursdays tonight, midwest, midwest chopper, midwest chopper blog, minneapolis, pizza, speed club, thursdays, uptown, uptown minneapolis
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June 3, 2010 7:00 am |
Imagine nearly 700 people crowded onto the sidewalks of about 4 square blocks. Yup, and we got a “shload” (shit+load) of pics to prove it. There were so many people and bikes out that the cops were intentionally perched at all corners popping people left and right for damn near anything. I’m sure the fuzz made their monthly quota that night. Tons of near stock Harleys and more rice rockets than you could shake a stick at; I still found a few nuggets worth the photo op. Here are some pics.

Tags: 700, anything, bikes, chopper blog, cops, crowded, damn, damn near anything, dulono's pizza, first, first thursday, fuzz, harley, harleys, jems, load, minneapolis, motorcycle, nuggets, people, photo, popping, quota, rice rocket, rice rockets, rocket, shake, shit, sidewalks, square blocks, stick, stock, thursday, triumph, twin cities, yup
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April 5, 2010 7:00 am |
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