This is the Palace from Brian Durk on Vimeo.
Give us a vote by visiting, and adding the comment “vote” to our bike on the @Show_class_mag instagram account. We hope folks are feeling what we’re doing.
Tags: bf8, born free 8, born free show, chopper blog, choppers, dual carb, knucklehead, minnesota choppers, panhead, panshovel, peoples champ, shovelhead, show class mag, show class magazine
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March 7, 2016 10:03 am |
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Here are a couple pics of where we’ve started. We’re using a 51 panhead right side case and an 82 alternator shovelhead left case. The magneto is a cheap $20 Fairbanks Morse XD from the late 70’s. I made the adapter collar and internal gear set here in the shop.
We are doing a lot here to get the motor to the next level. A generator shovelhead alone is a pretty rad motor but if we’re building a competition level bike, it’s just nowhere near enough. Polished cases, heads, carbs, cam cover, and chrome on everything else. We’re also dual-carbing the heads to run a pair of Mikuni VM36’s. The original distributor hole will be filled and machined smooth to give that area of the case an extra level of detail. We’re rebuilding the motor from the flywheels, up just to make sure the insides match the details given to the outsides. The mag was a crazy amount of work but she’s all set to go. The head work will be a little bit of machining and a whole lot of tig welding.
Both I and Charlie are taking a lot of chances with this bike. The machine work I’m doing is more than I’ve ever accomplished in the past. The frame work that Dorius has banged out was all about mashing together all the best of the different era frames. We’re pushing the limits of our skills and we’re trying to remain fearless as we steadily approach disaster. We just hope folks at home and at Born Free Show can understand and appreciate that, sink or swim – we’re trying to really give folks something interesting to look at.
Give myself (@speed_club) and Dorius (@charliedorius) a follow to see more. Thanks!
Tags: born free show, bornfree, cam cover, cases, charlie dories, chopper blog, crazy, dual carb, fairbanks morse, folks, generator shovelhead, machining, magneto, mikuni, panhead, poeples champ, polished cases, shovel head, show class magazine, vm36, xd
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January 29, 2016 5:33 pm |
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