Poured out of the cab onto Mass ave. We’re here to see John Funkie. Before my eyes was one pretty sweet little trump. I drunk-photoed it and made my way up to the bar at Zu. My buddy Matt was already sharing a pint Lucas. Lucas is the Choppahead dude in their volume 3 video who’s drinking beer of a garage floor. Apparently Lucas and Matt go back a ways. Cool dude. Sweet bike. Lots of beer and some of the best jams in town. Dig it. ~ Speed Club Chopper Blog.

Tags: back a ways, best jams in town, buddy, buddy matt, bump, cab, choppahead, chopper, chopper blog, cool dude, dig it, drinking beer, drunk, funkie, garage, garage floor, jams, john funkie, little triumph, lucas choppahead, mass ave, matt, photo, pint, poured, pretty sweet, speed club, sweet bike, trump, volume 3, zuzu
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October 3, 2010 12:21 pm |
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I was up in Duluth over the 4th. Drinking Beer and riding around on the Jetski; it was a very laid back weekend. Somewhere along the way someone asked me, “wanna check out my little project?” Sure, I said. And there in a garage sitting up on a lift was a very, very rare 1985 Suzuki Gamma. These things are a mid 80’s 500cc Dual Twin 2-stroke powered scream machine. The motor is actually 2 sets of twin cylinders piggy backed together. A very unusual design to say the least. Even more crazy is the wild expansion chamber pipes coming out of all sides of the block. Note the super cool “Gamma” symbol molded on the frame from the factory. There are only about 800-1000 of these across the US and I can now say that I’ve seen it…
Whisper with me now…”great white buffalo.”

Tags: 1985, 1985 suzuki gamma, 2-stroke, 500cc, 80's, beer, block, chamber pipes, crazy, drinking beer, dual twin, dual twin cylinder, duluth, expansion chamber, gama, gamma, garage, garage lift, great white buffalo, jetski, laid back, lift, machine, motor, north america, pggy backed, piggy, pipes, project, scream machine, stroke, super cool, suzuki, suzuki gamma, suzuki gamma sighting in north america, twin cylinders, whisper, wild
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July 5, 2010 5:29 pm |
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So here’s the Rusty Chop about 3 hours into assembly. I was in charge of snapping photos and drinking his beers. I think I did a damn god job myself. The Rusty Chop looks good too. It’s a ’79 xs650 with a kansas customs hardtail, maxis whhitewalls, my custom chopper wiring, and a sporty tank. Unseen is a set of custom made shorty pipes and a prettt heavy duty rear fender. Those whitewalls add just the right touch of bling to this rusty rocket. Check back daily. More chopper blog to come.

Tags: 79, beers, bling, blog, chop, chopper blog, chopper wiring, custom, custom chopper, customs, daily, drinking beer, fender, god job, hardtail, kansas kustoms, maxis, photos, pipes, rear fender, rocket, rusty, rusty rocket, shorty pipes, snap, sporty tank, tank, touch, whitewalls, xs650
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March 30, 2010 7:00 am |
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