Born Free is a rad show put on by rad people with nothing but good intentions. Its an inevitable who’s-who of chopper aficionados wandering through a sea of lovers, haters and appreciators. Let’s not forget, there’s a bike given away too. How cool is that? As the show approaches, Im thinking more and more about the trip, making new friends and everything else that falls into the spirit of the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong… it would be wild to win a bike but it’s really such tiny part of a much larger plan. The longer Ive known folks like Harpoon, Grant and (locally) my HEAVY neighbors, the more I realize that we’re all one great big Speedmaster spinnin’ down the same highway. Hopefully, I’ll see you all in California.

pic courtesy of MCart.
Tags: appreciators, born free, chopper, chopper blog, cool, damn, down, fma, friends, give away, good intentions, good people, grant, harpoon, haters, Heavy, highway, lovers, neighbors, new friends, rad, same, show, speedmaster, spinnin, spirit, tiny, trip, wild, wrong
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March 30, 2012 1:46 pm |
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Been holding out for a warmer day so I could sneak out to the garage and knock out my popes hat sissy bar. Finally decided not to let the Minnesota weather get between me and my welding. Put the kid down for a nap and got to it. Just needs a little touch up with the grinder and the Yammy is out of here. If you’re looking for an XS650 chopper that runs like a rapped date – hit me up. Everything was gone over this winter and it will officially be for sale sometime in the next week or so. Check craigslist,, egay, etc, etc.

dig it.
Tags: bar, blog, chopper, chopper blog, craigslist, down, ebay, egay, fender, garage, grinder, hat, kid, knock out, little touch, minnesota, minnesota weather, nap, pope, pope hat, popes hat, runs, sale, sissy bar, welding, winter, xs650 chopper,, yamaha, yammy
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March 28, 2011 6:00 am |
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No Rest for Chumps Like Us.
Lived it up all summer.
Now Its back to work.
I keep my head down.
Dreamin’ of Spring again.
Tags: blog, chopper, chopper blog, chumps, down, dream, no rest, rest, spring, summer, us
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November 2, 2010 7:00 am |
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Jammin down the Hwy last night. Felt something scratch my neck. Wind caught my damn glasses and whipped them up out of my front shirt pocket. Snapped the stupid pocket shut and everything too. Now I guess I’m gonna have to pull a zac doom for a few days while I scramble up a new pair. Here’s what I’ve picked out.
Pretty sweet huh. All Tron and shit!
Tags: button, damn, down, felt, glasses, hwy, last night, mykita, neck, new pair, pretty sweet, scramble, scratch, shirt pocket, shit, snapped, spectacles, stupid, sweet, testicles, tron, whip, whipped, wristwatch, Zac Doom
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August 18, 2010 8:05 pm |
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Headed out last night to meet up with RL and knock out some ride plans. Ended up hanging indoors waiting for the sun to go down. Eventually it cooled down and we put on some miles, cruised along the mississippi, down grand, up university (almost lost it around 27th where I fishtailed through some loose gravel), and through northeast. RL has a kick ass camera and grabbed a bunch of shots while we held up a Holiday gas station.

Tags: 27th, bunch, camera, cool, cruised, down, fishtailed, gas, gas station, grand, gravel, hanging, head, held up a holiday gas station, indors, kick ass, knock out, loose gravel, meet up, miles, mississippi, mississipps, northeast, plans, rl, shots, sun, sun down, twin cities, university, waiting for the sun
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August 10, 2010 7:00 am |
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