Spencer has been hard at work all week trying to get his little Triumph rocking. After much frustration and late nights… she’s alive and actually ridable. It was a little touch and go there for a while but he managed to squeak the bike past the finish line early this evening. Check him out today at Full Tilt. Where exactly is full tilt at? Great questions. Victoria and Jefferson intersection in St Paul right next to Tav on the Ave. Be there. This will be Epic.

On a side note. It’s 1am and I’m at the shop downloading video and pics from the Pre-Tilt party. Steve lent me a really sweet Rode mic for my camera. Making me look all for serious and what not. Harpoon and Grant (Born Free/FMA) are here, Josh Kurpius and the Death Science crew made it, Eternal combustion is here along with a whole lot of other folks too. The show is all on the up and up. This thing will be quite the gathering.

Tags: 1am, alive, blog, born free, camera, chopper, chopper blog, congrats, crew, death science, epic, eternal combustion, eternal conbustion, finish line, fma, folks, frustration, full tilt, grant, harpoon, intersection, jefferson, josh kurpius, lent, little touch and go, manage, nbsp, party, pre tilt, science crew, shop, show, spencer, squeak, tav on the ave, triumph, victoria, video, week, whole lot
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July 24, 2011 1:35 am |
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Ran out to visit Jordan at Union Speed and Style yesterday. Turns out it was his Birthday. Happy birthday mother f*cker! Jordan is fitting me for a custom vest. Sh*t is gonna be tough! Denim w/ golden brown stitch, green/tan flannel liner, and a short pop collar. While I was there I thought it a good time to get him in for a little garage feature session. Union Speed is tucked back on River street in Monticello. A little off the beaten path but for what he’s doing, its probably a good thing. This dude is so busy, he’d probably loose his sh*t if he were in the twin cities (distractions day in and day out).

Jordan and I don’t get many chances to hang out with us both being knee deep in running our respective shops. That said, I did get to rock down to Iowa with him lat weekend. His little XS has got some serious balls. Not surprising… his bike didnt miss a beat once the entire trip. His spot was packed with projects. Jordan dabbles in all sorts of stuff. He’s turning out custom tanks, frames, leather and denim, seats, etc. Come to think of it… he’s a bit of a one stop shop.

Union Speed works pretty steadily throughout the year and they even manage to make all the stops on the vendor circuit. I’m not even really sure exactly how many people make up Union Speed but from the work load, they probably some kind of small army.

The Union Speed Crew are definitely a younger bunch but they’re also talented well beyond their years. If you need some fabrication, without having to deal with the grumpy old heads in the scene, these are the dudes to hook up with. They’ve got the skills and creativity to blow minds. Check em out. UnionSpeedandStyle.com
Tags: all sorts, army, balls, beaten, beaten path, blow minds, chopper blog, cker, creativity, crew, custom, custom tanks, denim, distractions, dudes, fabrication, flannel, frames, garage, good time, happy birthday, iowa, jordan, knee deep, leather, little, midwest, minesota, monticello, mother, pop, pretty, project, ralent, river street, rock, seats, shops, small, speed and style, style garage, trip, tucked, twin cities, vendor, vest, work, xs
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June 16, 2011 11:56 am |
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I was in rare form that afternoon/evening out at Canterbury Park. It was Grand Nationals and everyone I was supposed to cruise up with totally flaked out on me. In the end I made the trip alone and bumped in to all sorts of folks from HEAVY crew to the Bluecat gang. Had a great time, got a bunch of bury pics, bruised my ribs by taking a photo while walking straight into a steel fence post. Also took a leak near the horse stalls n the way out to mark my territory.

Tags: all sorts, blog, bluecat gang, canterbury park, chopper, chopper blog, crew, cruise, dirttrack, dirttrack racers, dreaming of summer, flaked out, grand nationals, great time, Heavy, horse, mn dreaming of summer, photo, pics, racers, ribs, speed club, stalls, steel fence post, steel post, teritory
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December 26, 2010 7:00 am |
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