Things are coming together. Got a new sleeping bag on Friday. My old one is back at my brothers house on the East Coast. Started making a list of all the stuff I need to pack. I even took a trip to REI to look at all the fancy gadgets their trying to sell. I ended up buying a pocket can opener for .59 cents and a really funny spork which I gave to my son since he’s currently learning how to use utensils. All in all I learned that a tarp, a knife, a lighter and a tin can pretty much cover the basics.
Just a couple quick reminders and useful tips for those planning on attending:
– Be Cool. This is an all INCLUSIVE event.
– Pack light but stay warm.
– There is a lodge VERY near by for most of our drinking/eating necessity.
– There are new shower facilities which include a crapper.
– Gonna crash in your sleeping bag under the stars? RECONSIDER IT. That’s some Hollywood John Wayne bullshit. Maybe a tent isn’t a horrible idea. It’s up to you. It’s your trip, not mine.
– Cash – Cash – Cash
– Cell signals are spotty. Towers are being built but sh*t happens slowly out there.
– Be nice to locals (we’re in their house).
– Warm hats are good.
– Cook a potato in the fire by wrapping it in foil and setting it in alongside the coals (45-60 min).
– Empty Zip Lock bag + air = cheap pillow
– Lastly, and perhaps most importantly…BEER. We may need beer run volunteers.
See everyone around the camp fire.
Tags: be cool, beer, beer run, blog, brother, bullshit, camp fire, can opener, cash, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, coals, crap, crapper, drinking, east coast, fancy gadgets, gonna crash, good, hats, hollywood, hollywood john wayne, horrible idea, john wayne, knife, light, lighter, locals, lock, lodge, pack, potato, REI, reminders, shit happens, sleeping bag, speed club inc, spork, spotty, stuff, tarp, tent, the lodge, tin can, tips, tower, trip, utensils, warm, warm hat, your trip, zip, zip lock
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September 7, 2010 7:00 am |
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About two to three times a season, me and a few others head up to good old Hayward WI for miles and miles of trails on the ATV’s. This year I’ve got Blue which is a much nicer ride than my last years whip. I’m planning on putting on some miles as long as the weather is good. Last season ended with me standing in a crapper stall barefoot as I rung out my socks over a toilet. Weather was about as cold as it could be and I think it was even snowing in some areas. We’ll probably hit up the LCO and even drop by the Hayward Ballet (Phipps Tavern) for a little light evening entertainment. Pics to come.

Tags: big, big wheel, Blue, coming up, crapper, crapper stall, entertainment, evening, gool dol, hayward, hayward ballet, hayward wisconsin, last, LCO, light, little, phipps, phipps tavern, season, snow, socks, stall, tavern, three, toilet, trip, two, weather, weekend, wheeler, whip. miles, wi, year
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May 8, 2010 7:00 am |
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