All kinds of crazy super flashy stuff at the international bike show. Not really my scene personally but there are always some really great classics at these shows. Here are a couple images that came back from a buddy. A sweet Scout – “Wall-o-Death” style along with a slick little flat tracker and a very cool board track racer.

Tags: biddy, bike, bike show, blog, board track, board track racer, chopper, chopper blog, classics, cool, cool board, couple images, death, flat track, international bike, international bike show, intl, little, o death, race, racer, scene, scout, show, slick, sweet, track racer, wall, wall o death
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February 16, 2011 6:00 am |
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Title says it all. Coming along for the ride? Cool. Cant make it but still wanna shoot the breeze with Speed Club and friends? Cool. Meet us Tuesday night, 8PM at Grumpys NE for a few pints. Share some laughs and bring $1’s for the juke box. Lots of punk classics, Guinness on tap, and the stench of stale beer and b.o.

Tags: $1's, 8PM, beer, blog, bo, chopper, chopper blog, chouout, classics, cool, grumpys ne, guinness, juke box, pints, pre party, punk, ride, shoot the breeze, speed club, stale beer, stench, tuesday, tuesday night, wanna
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September 13, 2010 7:00 am |
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