Last seasons CHOPOUT 2010 unseen footage of Super-Bry in a hardware store parking lot remounting his rear fender. A little smooth talking at the parts counter led to borrowing a few tools free of charge. Some dude eventually strolled up and gave his kid a roadside lesson in good karma. Many thanks to that fella for rolling around on the ground and lending a helping hand to a stranger.
Tell your mama. Midwest weather has finally started to break. We’re getting nights in the 50’s and days in the 80’s. Perfect Cycle/Camp weather. Here’s a little video clip put together from way early in the season when me and RL went out to scout a few possible routes. It was like late April/Early May or something. Temp never broke 55 degrees but it was a great time. CHOPOUT 2010 – SEPTEMBER 18TH. Be there. Bring a friend.
CHOPOUT 2010 – presented by
We’re getting the hell out of town for one last ride for the season on September 18 and 19th. This is a Saturday and Sunday, 300 mile round trip and you’re invited. We’re leaving after breakfast and heading east into WI. Camp out. Next day cruise back west into MN and then south to the Twin Cities. This is a bring-your-own-shit, ride and camp out thing. Contact Speed Club INC for all the ride details including map, camp destination and specifics on the route.
Dont forget your:
sleeping bag
extra socks
break down back-up plan
How Much: $10-20/per person, per night for camp site. You get a spot on the grassy knoll next to the second gunman. There’s a lake and toilets and the lodge with grub, beer and AC/Heat depending on the weather. Well worth the minimal cash so don’t be a tight ass.
What to do: Absolutely nothing. There are a couple bars and gas stations for food and drink and there’s always good old Phipps. Make some friends, rest up, share some laughs, shit it in the woods.
Things you should know: The ride is open to anyone with the right attitude. No chase trucks, no banners, no products, no nothing. Just one last little adventure for the season. Food is on you. Yes, there are definitely bears and yes, they will come out looking for that cheese burger wrapper you left in the dirt next to your bike. SO… be smart and try not to get killed. It’s not a race. Have a fun time and enjoy the ride.