Dont forget to make it out to the Messaround this September. It’s shaping up to be quite a great event so put it on your calendar. Bikes, cars and Hair Grease. Speed Club will likely make some kind of appearance along with a bunch of other lowlife, tattooed, freaknik, Motorheads pals. More chopper blog to come. See Minneapolis Messaround in the event forum for questions, details, etc. Dig it – SC

Tags: appearance, bikes, blog, calendar, cars, Cars and Hair Grease - September 5th, chopper, chopper blog, club, dig it, event, events forum, forum, freaknik, grease, hair grease, lowlife, messaround, minneapolis, minneapolis messaround, motorhead, motorheads, pals, sept 5, speed, speed club, tattooed
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August 4, 2010 9:32 am |
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Two things I love… Bikes and Cars! There’s a guy down my street with a 1950 Chevy coupe. It’s one of those un-restored gem kinda cars. Granted, it sits outside all winter while the tires slowly deflate but come summer, the kid always manages to fire the beast back up for the typical Friday night cruise past Porky’s on University Ave. Anyways, this pic kinda reminds me of the neighbors whip.
I wouldn’t kick it out of the garage or anything but chrome Triumph’s are a clean freaks nightmare!

Tags: 1950, 1950 chevy, 1950 chevy cupe, beast, bikes, cars, chevy, chevy coupe, chrome, chrome triumph, freak, freaks, friday night, garage, guy, love, neighbors, night cruise, nightmare, porky, porky's, porky's on university, summer, tires, triumph, two, un-restored, university ave, unrestored gem, whip, winter
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May 1, 2010 7:00 am |
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