Which means shit to all you west coasters but to the Midwest, we’re straight high on our own supply right now. Everyone’s brains are waking up and suddenly there’s a huge burst of energy and activity. Its both inspiring and oddly ambitious for a bunch of dirt bags who wouldn’t normally give a fuck anyway, right? Satan’s Dildo fired up on the second kick last week after sitting the entire winter. I’m thinking its the sign of a Wild Summer to come. Hell, I realized on Sunday that the long bike’s trans was all kinds of F’d up. I managed to pull it, rebuild it and reinstalled it by Monday night. I’ve got tons of positive vibes pouring out of my fingertips right now.

Tags: bike, blog, brain, brains, burst, chopper, chopper blog, dildo, dirt bags, energy, f'd, fingertips, fuck, give a fuck, hell, high on our own supply, inspiring, midwest, monday night, positive, positive vibes, rebuild, satan, second kick, shit, straight, trans, viber, west coasters, wild summer, winter, wking up
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April 4, 2012 9:36 am |
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I’ve got another bike build on the brain which once again has led me straight to drag bikes. What can I say. I LOVE DRAG BIKES! Drag bikes are raw precision engineering stripped down to the absolute minimum. Speed above all else. Every inch of the bike is completely and totally utilitarian in design. Here’s a bunch of Ironhead images I’ve been collecting.
Ironhead Wednesday on the Chopper Blog.

Tags: bike, bikes, blog, brain, chopper, chopper blog, design, drag, drag bike, engineering, images, ironhead, led, love, minimum, minimum speed, precision, precision engineering, raw, speed, strip, utilitarian, wednesday
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January 19, 2011 6:00 am |
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The Speed Club gang met up last night for pints and brain storming. We hit up te Red Stag and Britts for pints. Everything in the RS is tinted red like an old porn movie and Britts is about as UK pub as you can get in the Midwest. Here’s a pic of Rusty and his Grain Belt.

With the new website and the Midwest riding season fast approaching, we needed to make sure we are covering all the local bases. We’re planning on being sponsors for a few Minneapolis motorcycle events and we’re even considering arranging a smaller group ride way up north into iron country. We’re working on bringing in products to the website for SAE and Metric bikes and with the seasons biggest swap meet coming up this weekend, I’m personally hoping to have some great stuff to toss up in the classifieds section.
Tags: bikes, brain, brain storming, britts, classifieds, classifieds section, events, grain belt, great stuff, iron country, local, metric, midwest, minneapolis, motorcycle, motorcycle events, night, north, old porn, pints, porn movie, products, pub, red stag, riding season, SAE, sale, speed club, swap meet, UK, uk pub
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March 10, 2010 7:00 am |
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