Just got some photos from Jeremy at Relic. He’s just put some lines down on the helmets we dropped off and they are lookin’ t*tts! Before & After. Get yourself a raffle ticket for one of these sweet ass helmets at the Bearded Lady Motorcycle Show this Saturday.

Tags: ass, bearded lady, bearded lady motorcycle show, before & after, biltwell, biltwell helmets, dropped off, helmets, jeremy, lines, motorcycle, motorcycle show, pinstriped Biltwell helmets, raffle ticket, relic, show, sweet, sweet ass, titts
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July 23, 2010 7:00 am |
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Bearded Lady Motorcycle Show Update: Can’t wait. The show is one more week away and we’re almost peeing our pants with excitement. We’ve had a ton of shirt sales in these last few weeks leading up to the show. Much love to all you moto-freaks for supporting our midwest cycle culture. Tees have been reordered and because you’ve all been so rad about buying them up, we’re extending our FREE SHIPPING indefinitely. SO… Get your shirt before the show so you can wear the damn thing or just pick one up from the Speed Club booth.
Other show highlights will include.
The hot Blonde selling Bearded Lady Swag.
Custom painted Biltwell Helmet Raffle.
Motorcycle Contest
and more.

Tags: bands, bearded lady, bearded lady motorcycle show, beer, biltwell helmets, booth, club, culture, custom paint, cycle culture, damn, damn thing, excitement, few, freaks, free shipping, helmet, hot blonde, lady, lady motorcycle, love, midwest, midwest cycle, midwest cycle cuture, more, moto, moto freaks, motorcycle, motorcycle contest, motorcycle show, much love, painted biltwell, pants, peeing, pizza, rad, selling, shirts, show, speed, speed club, speed club booth, swag, ton of shirts, wait, week
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July 15, 2010 7:00 am |
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Speed Club sat down on Monday night at the 331 with none other than CT, the Snake Charming Tightrope Walker himself. (One of the organizers for the yearly Bearded Lady Motorcycle Show.) CT gave us a look over, taught us the secret handshake and we are officially announcing our role as one of this years sponsors! We’ll be donating some swag to raffle off including a few brand spankin’ new Biltwell Helmets so whatever you do, dont miss your chance. This event looks to be shaping up really well. Be sure to visit the Bearded Lady site for more info or check back here as we post updates throughout the upcoming months/weeks/days. Dig it – Speed Club Approved!

Tags: 331, bearded lady, bearded lady motorcycle freak show, bearded lady motorcycle show, biltwell, biltwell helmets, brand, brand spankin, charming, CT, dig it, freak show, helmets, monday, monday night, motorcycle show, new, organizers, rffle, secret handshake, site, snake, spankin, speed club, sponsor, swag, tightrope, walker
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May 19, 2010 7:00 am |
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Speed Club INC is excited to announce that we are now carrying a complete line of both Biltwell INC and Lowbrow Customs products! Yes, that means helmets and even better… FREE SHIPPING. Within the next week, out store will be updated and live where we will be applying free shipping on ALL orders for an undetermined amount of time. You’ve probably seen these Biltwell helmets in videos and magazines. They are absolutely as comfortable as they look. Check back soon or just email us directly if you’d like to place an advance order.

Tags: amount of time, announce, biltwell, biltwell helmets, biltwell inc, free shipping, helmets, line, lowbrow customs, magazine, magazines, order, products, speed club, speed club inc, twin cities, video
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May 17, 2010 7:00 am |
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