Im on fire right now son! Threw a new MK on a wheel, bars welded last night, sold some shit, bought some shit, bent up a bitch bar with New Kevin and I’ve got a vintage track racing bike project coming into the shop here shortly. I should have my frame ready for paint by Valentines Day. Donnie Smiffz here I come bitch!

Tags: bar, bent, bike, bike project, bitch, blog, bought, chopper, chopper blog, coming, day, donnie smith, frame, last night, mk, MKII, new kevin, on fire, paint, project, ready, shit, shop, shortly, sld, soon, tire, valentines, vintage track racing, welded, wheel
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February 2, 2012 4:03 pm |
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Look closely at old chopper bars. The crazy wild two-piece ones are usually a set of apes or bull horns that have been flipped, cut, mildly bent or hacked. That’s what I’m doing and shit is looking right on time. Dig it. Measure, cut, slug em, tap & mount, measure again and add a cross member or two for good measure. Some dude online is asking 120 bucks for bars just like these.
Total cost… $20 + chrome.
Satisfaction of making em myself… priceless.

Tags: 120, 120 bucks, apes, bars, bent, blog, bucks, bull horns, bullhorns, chopper, chopper blog, chrome, crazy, cut, dig it, dude, flipped, hack, looks, making chopper bars, online, priceless, right on time, satisfaction, shit, wild
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October 31, 2011 11:21 am |
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