Saturday night kinda got away from me. Dragged Reinhart all over North East. Pounded beers until all hours of the morning. Puked a couple times and finally woke up and found this picture in my phone! I dont know how I got it. It looks like its from Halloween! That robot is totally gonna get her drunk!

Tags: beers, chopper blog, couple times, date, date rape, drag, drunk, halloween, north east, phone, rape, robot, robots, saturday, saturday night, woke up
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April 4, 2011 9:27 pm |
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September 11th. Speed Club will be there to have some beers, get some photos, and eat some dirt. Grinnin’ from ear to ear – Speed Club Chopper Blog.

Tags: ama, ama dirt track, ama dirt track racing, be there, beer, beers, blog, canterbury, chopper, chopper blog, dirt track, dirt track racing, eat some dirt, grinnin from ear to ear, photos, racing, speed club
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September 10, 2010 7:00 am |
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Third Thursday tonight. Maybe some tacos or maybe some beers? Maybe some motorcycle or maybe some foxy ladies? …wait… I already said tacos? Bluecat Motors – Be there.

So here’s the Rusty Chop about 3 hours into assembly. I was in charge of snapping photos and drinking his beers. I think I did a damn god job myself. The Rusty Chop looks good too. It’s a ’79 xs650 with a kansas customs hardtail, maxis whhitewalls, my custom chopper wiring, and a sporty tank. Unseen is a set of custom made shorty pipes and a prettt heavy duty rear fender. Those whitewalls add just the right touch of bling to this rusty rocket. Check back daily. More chopper blog to come.

Tags: 79, beers, bling, blog, chop, chopper blog, chopper wiring, custom, custom chopper, customs, daily, drinking beer, fender, god job, hardtail, kansas kustoms, maxis, photos, pipes, rear fender, rocket, rusty, rusty rocket, shorty pipes, snap, sporty tank, tank, touch, whitewalls, xs650
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March 30, 2010 7:00 am |
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