Met up a week ago last Sunday with the fellas at the Blood Temple of Black Acid Beast. Zac was looking to get some pics of Pete and Hans bikes for Show Class. I rode along to get some video and mostly for the fun of it. Diamond Dave, Jordan, Reinhart and Hot Bobby were along too. –Jordan fixing his PBR kids hat.
We blasted through the state and over to Stillwater. Hopped the shoulder to skirt a two mile back up and somewhere along the way some asshole jumped in behind us thinking he was slick. He got his. The cops jumped in behind HIM and HE got stopped while the rest of us banged our way down the hill and around the bend. Zac’s tank sprung a major leak. After a little repair we started making our way back to the cities. Zacs tank was fucked. — Hans, Dave, and Zac inspecting the damage.

Me, Dave, Jordan and Hot Bobby split off at 35W, splitting lanes, destroying highway, 90-per (Dave leading the way on his FXR) as we high tailed it back to the Cities. Apparently somewhere along the way some douche got pretty mad about me shaking the paint of his hybrid and tried to clip me! Yeah! I didnt even know about it until Jordan told me what had happened. It goes back to the golden rule. Think Fast – Go Faster.
Tags: 90 per, asshle, asshole, beast, bikes, black acid beast, blog, blood, chopper, chopper blog, cities, clip me, cops, dave jordan, diamond dave, douche, down hill, fellas, fxr, golden rule, hans, highway 90, hot bobby, hybrid, jordan, last sunday, leading the way, leak, mad, nbsp, paint, pete, reinhart, show class, skirt, splitting lanes, stillwater, tank, temple, think fast - go faster, two mile, zac
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October 10, 2011 10:06 pm |
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Two things I love… Bikes and Cars! There’s a guy down my street with a 1950 Chevy coupe. It’s one of those un-restored gem kinda cars. Granted, it sits outside all winter while the tires slowly deflate but come summer, the kid always manages to fire the beast back up for the typical Friday night cruise past Porky’s on University Ave. Anyways, this pic kinda reminds me of the neighbors whip.
I wouldn’t kick it out of the garage or anything but chrome Triumph’s are a clean freaks nightmare!

Tags: 1950, 1950 chevy, 1950 chevy cupe, beast, bikes, cars, chevy, chevy coupe, chrome, chrome triumph, freak, freaks, friday night, garage, guy, love, neighbors, night cruise, nightmare, porky, porky's, porky's on university, summer, tires, triumph, two, un-restored, university ave, unrestored gem, whip, winter
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May 1, 2010 7:00 am |
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