Yeah – me neither. Seems like everyone out here is working on at least one project if not two. I just checked the Donnie Smith Show site and that at least give me some kind of deadline. 52 days to get my act together. TO DO: Tonight Im getting up with New Kevin to bend up a sissy bar and finish weld my bars. A new wheel arrives tomorrow (Ive got the tire and tube sitting on a shelf). Im also making some crazy super-pipes and I have to rebuild a set of heads and rockers. After that, I can make some wheel spacers, mount my fender and piece everything together before stripping down for paint and chrome. Okay – so apparently Ive got some work to do.

Tags: 52, bars, bend, chopper blog, chopper project, chrome, crazy, days, dead, donnie smith, donnie smith show, fender, heads, line, new kevin, paint, pipes, project, rockers, shelf, sissy bar, sitting on a shelf, stripping, super-pipes, tire, tomorrow, tube, two, weld, wheel, wheel spacers, work to do
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February 2, 2012 3:53 pm |
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Up late last night working on a bunch of stuff. Knocked out my bars, did a little cleaning, mocked up another scoot. Just me and Gun Club.

Tags: bars, bunch, chopper blog, cleaning, club shop, gun club, last night, little, mocked up, rabbit ears, scoot, shop night, workong
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January 28, 2012 11:49 am |
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Tim sent in these! Thanks man. I’ll run ’em with pride. These bars came from a bike that really fucked my shit up. Visit Death Science and support Show Class Magazine.

Well, I finally got around to posting a few items in the store last night. I mainly posted some good stuff but I do still have tons of misc odds and ends crap for your chopper project too. Here’s a quick list of some of the random stuff I can pull out of a box and sell you if you need it. Wheels, Drag tires, Bars, front ends, Oil pumps, Helmets, Shirts, Vintage HD leather, Cables, Flywheel, Tanks, Fenders, Primaries, Heads, Pistons, carbs, Headlights, Oil Tanks, whatever. Just email me and Ill follow up with price and availability. Over and Out.

Tags: availability, bars, blog, cables, carbs, chopper, chopper blog, chopper project, crap, drag, fenders, flywheels, for sale, front end, front ends, good stuff, hd, headlight, headlights, heads, helmet, helmets, items, last night, leather, Misc, odds and ends, oil, oil pumps, oil tank, oil tanks, pistons, price, primaries, primary, pump, random stuff, sell, shirts, tanks, tires, vintage, wheels
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November 21, 2011 1:38 pm |
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Look closely at old chopper bars. The crazy wild two-piece ones are usually a set of apes or bull horns that have been flipped, cut, mildly bent or hacked. That’s what I’m doing and shit is looking right on time. Dig it. Measure, cut, slug em, tap & mount, measure again and add a cross member or two for good measure. Some dude online is asking 120 bucks for bars just like these.
Total cost… $20 + chrome.
Satisfaction of making em myself… priceless.

Tags: 120, 120 bucks, apes, bars, bent, blog, bucks, bull horns, bullhorns, chopper, chopper blog, chrome, crazy, cut, dig it, dude, flipped, hack, looks, making chopper bars, online, priceless, right on time, satisfaction, shit, wild
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October 31, 2011 11:21 am |
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