Sitting on the toilet flipping through some old tractor magazine I found in Stillwater last year. I came across this goofy ass old Indian motorcycles ad. “Worlds Finest Motorcycle” straight out of Springfield MA! Dig it.

Tags: ad, ass, goofy, goofy ass, indian motorcycle, indian motorcycles, magazine, motorcycle, motorcycle ad, old, old indian, old indian motorcycle ad, sitting on the toilet, stillwater, toilet, tractor
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June 7, 2010 7:00 am |
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They don’t make ’em like they used to and they definitely don’t sell ’em like they used to. WTF is this “husky” sales pitch? The tins on that front end really are hot though. Welcome to the chopper blog.

Tags: ad, blog, bobber, bobber blog, chopper, chopper blog, font end, hot, husky, make 'em, motorcycle, motorcycle blog, sell, sportster, sportster ad, sporty, tins, vintage advertisement, wtf
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April 9, 2010 7:00 am |
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