Dude came by last night with cash. We loaded up the XS and it’s off to it’s new home in Iowa. Hopefully I’ll see that thing again sometime. Been a damn good bike to me but when it’s time to go, it’s time to go. On to bigger and better builds.

Tags: 650, better, bigger, bike, blog, build, cash, chopper, chopper blog, dude, good, good bikr, home, iowa, last night, off, xs, xs 650, yamaha
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July 2, 2011 3:24 pm |
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RL came by last night and gave me a hand remounting the xs650 motor back in the bike. A quick process. We knocked out the timing, carbs, and wiring in about an hour and after some uneventful kicking, she eventually fired up for the first time since last September. Called it a done deal with two PBR’s to spare. I’ll revisit this thing in the spring to adjust the valves and timing and to mount a new rear fender but for now, this one is destine for storage.

Tags: 650, adjust valves, blog, carbs, chopper, chopper blog, deal, done, fired up, first time, kick, last september, motor, mount, night, pbr, rear fender, rl, september, spare, spring, storage, timing, wiring, xs, xs650
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January 29, 2011 10:17 am |
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I’m happy as a pig in shit when I’m knuckle deep in motor work. Got back to the xs650 motor today. Cranked the heater, split the cases, pulled the bad crank, seated the new crank and started rebuilding everything. Still need another hour or so to rebuild the top end and knock out the cam and timing but Jersey Shore is on now. I’ll save it for another night.

Tags: 650, bad, cam, cases, chopper blog, crank, heater, jersey shore, motor, motor work, night, pig in shit, rebuilding top end, seat, split, timing, xs650
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January 17, 2011 9:01 pm |
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Holy shit – There I am! I was just cruising the chop sites and noticed that my xs650 videos made it onto Grail’s KnuckleBusterinc.com. Very cool. I’m pretty sure Grail is out of New England and his chopper blog definitely carries that flare. Check him out, lots of lathe tips and other great stuff.

Tags: 650, blog, chop, chop site, chopper, chopper blog, flare, grail, great stuff, hly shit, holy shit, knucklebusterinc.com, lath tips, lathe tips, new england, stuff, video, xs, xs650 video
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December 14, 2010 1:13 pm |
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First Thursday Follow Up – Minneapolis. Apparently it doesn’t pay to get there early. RL showed up around 5 last night and it was like a ghost town. Picked up through the night though. Here are a few pics for the chopper blog. Everything from really clean Indian to a CB750 racer to Davids sprung xs650 bobber.

Tags: 650, blog, bobber, cb750 racer, chopper, chopper blog, chopprer, david, first thursday, ghost, ghost town, indian, last night, minneapolis, pay, racer, really, rl, sprung, town, xs650, xs650 bobber
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August 6, 2010 10:42 am |
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