Gotta love that eBay. Picked up this Wagner style brake setup complete with a ratchet top mounting bracket. It’s even got the switch and line still attached. All in perfect working order for $15 bucks. Sure beats $65+ for something new. It’s gonna be a busy winter in the Speed Club garage. 3 cycle builds lined up and even including a little propane heat action!

Tags: 15, 3, 65, action, beats, blog, brake, brake setup, builds, busy winter, chopper, chopper blog, club garage, cycle, cycle builds, ebay, garage, gotta love, heat, in line, love, mounting bracket, new, perfect, propane, propane heat, ratchet top, speed club, switch, wagner, wagner brake set up, winter, work
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September 22, 2010 2:44 pm |
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Took a few hours to sneak away from the wife and kid for a Sunday ride with E and Ty. Went up 65 to Fatboys for a beer and air conditioning. Feels like a hundred and ten degrees out there on top of the asphalt. Somewhere along the way I lost my plate but quickly recovered it (and kept it in my pocket) for the duration of the afternoon. Hit up a few more spots out in Little Canada, Roseville and Shoreview. Eventually had to call it for the day. Supposed to be hot all week. Suppose it could be worse (raining).

Tags: 65, afternoon, air conditioning, all week, ashpalt, asphalt, ate, ber, duration, e, fatboy, fatboys, hit up, hundred, kid, little canada, lost my plate, plate, pocket, raining, road, roseville, shoreview, sneak, sneak away, spot, sunday ride, ten, top, ty, wife, wife and kid
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August 8, 2010 5:55 pm |
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