Headed out last night to meet up with RL and knock out some ride plans. Ended up hanging indoors waiting for the sun to go down. Eventually it cooled down and we put on some miles, cruised along the mississippi, down grand, up university (almost lost it around 27th where I fishtailed through some loose gravel), and through northeast. RL has a kick ass camera and grabbed a bunch of shots while we held up a Holiday gas station.

Tags: 27th, bunch, camera, cool, cruised, down, fishtailed, gas, gas station, grand, gravel, hanging, head, held up a holiday gas station, indors, kick ass, knock out, loose gravel, meet up, miles, mississippi, mississipps, northeast, plans, rl, shots, sun, sun down, twin cities, university, waiting for the sun
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August 10, 2010 7:00 am |
Comments (1)

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is coming to Minneapolis this Saturday the 27th. I really liked BRMC durring their first albums rein but their second, “Howl… ” sounded like ass. and I mean it. The now back to their senses producing great stuff. Hopefully they will grace us with some of the old-old goodies. Speed Club has tickets and will be out if full force. You wont see us but we’ll be watching you. Get your tickets, and bring your motorcicle. If its not too cold for your old balls.
Tags: 27th, album, ass, balls, black rebel motorcycle, black rebel motorcycle club, brmc, cold, full force, goodies, great stuff, howl, minneapolis, motorcicle, motorcycle, old, old goodies, rebel motorcycle club, saturday, senses, speed club, tickets, watching you
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March 22, 2010 7:00 am |
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