I was up in Duluth over the 4th. Drinking Beer and riding around on the Jetski; it was a very laid back weekend. Somewhere along the way someone asked me, “wanna check out my little project?” Sure, I said. And there in a garage sitting up on a lift was a very, very rare 1985 Suzuki Gamma. These things are a mid 80’s 500cc Dual Twin 2-stroke powered scream machine. The motor is actually 2 sets of twin cylinders piggy backed together. A very unusual design to say the least. Even more crazy is the wild expansion chamber pipes coming out of all sides of the block. Note the super cool “Gamma” symbol molded on the frame from the factory. There are only about 800-1000 of these across the US and I can now say that I’ve seen it…
Whisper with me now…”great white buffalo.”

Tags: 1985, 1985 suzuki gamma, 2-stroke, 500cc, 80's, beer, block, chamber pipes, crazy, drinking beer, dual twin, dual twin cylinder, duluth, expansion chamber, gama, gamma, garage, garage lift, great white buffalo, jetski, laid back, lift, machine, motor, north america, pggy backed, piggy, pipes, project, scream machine, stroke, super cool, suzuki, suzuki gamma, suzuki gamma sighting in north america, twin cylinders, whisper, wild
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July 5, 2010 5:29 pm |
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This guy has been around for some time now. I remember first hearing about him through researching the crazy ass trike pictured below. And later, seeing him turn up in a cycle magazine I found at a grocery store. This guy is all about custom fabrication of metric 2-strokes. Slim has some serious skill and imagination. Everything he turns out has his style (and name) all over it. Literally. Dig it – Speed Club Approved. Check out his chop blog too.

Tags: 2-stroke, blog, chop, chop blog, crazy ass, custom fabrication, cycle, cycle magazine, dig it, fab, grocery, grocery store, guy, imagination, magazine, metric, metric 2-strke, name, serious, skill and imagination, slim fab, speed club, strokes, style, trike
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May 27, 2010 7:00 am |
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Went out last night with Druncle and picked up this monster; a 2000 Yamaha Banshee. For all my 2 wheeled interest, I’m an ATV man when it comes to spring/summer powersports. In case you’ve been living under a rock, these Banshee’s are KILLERS! With a 350cc twin, water cooled 2-stroke motor, aftermarket aluminum head and FMF pipe, this thing cranks out about 45HP making it the fastest-accelerating two-stroke engine ever produced. Not bad for weighing in at only 386lbs. It’s no chopper or bobber but it is crazy fast, good old-fashioned Minnesota fun !
Tags: 2 wheeled, 2-stroke, 2000, 350cc, 386lbs, 45HP, aluminum, aluminum head, atv, bad, banshee, bobber, chopper, cool, crank, cranks, crazy, druncle, engine, fashion, fast, fastest, fmf, fun, garage, good, head, hp, killers, ld, minnesota, monster, newest addition, no, powersports, rock, speed club, spring, stroke engine, stroke motor, summer, twin, two-stroke, yamaha, yamaha banshee
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April 3, 2010 7:00 am |
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