Never really been too hot on the “see and be seen – scene” that comes with going to bike shows or having a booth or whatever so I simply don’t do it. Instead I like to save up a big bag of pennies and nickels and hit the road for a couple weeks with a good friend or two. It keeps my mind right and it keeps my game tight.
Erik Steady and Me in JACKSON, WY | Aug.2014
Instagram @speed_club
Tags: bag, be seen, chopper blog, creativity, fan the flame, game, jackson, mind, practice what you preach, road, scene, see, tight, wyoming
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February 17, 2015 10:53 am |
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Nobody rides like Reinhart. To the man with the fanciest pants on 2 wheels. Happy birthday old boy!

Went through some pics today and found this great pic of my old long bike from 4 or 5 years ago. It was taken at the first Wild Ride out in WI. This thing was really fucking gnarly in every way. Not too many folks ever saw it and that’s totally my fault. Aside from stuff in my hometown, I don’t go to a lot of shows. The idea of looking at bikes all day just isn’t all that appealing to me. Even worse, the thoughts of sitting behind a booth sounds like my own personal slice of hell. Instead, a couple times a year I ride an obscene distance and sleep along the roadside with a couple good friends. Different strokes is all.
Tags: booth, chopper blog, friends, hell, long bike, minnesota, old pic, roadside, shovelhead, shows, stroke, wi, wild ride
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January 22, 2015 1:16 pm |
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An original SPEEDCLUB product
available online at SPEEDCLUBINC.COM
Tags: blog, chopper parts, god chopper, harley davidson, holy shit, lord, midwest, minneapolis, motorcycle, shifter, st paul, super, superior, two
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January 20, 2015 9:18 pm |
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“Shit is crazy real in the field” – Wu Tang Clan
Speed Club in WI about 3 years ago. – photo by Joe “MAMA” Mustari
checkout more on the gram
@speed_club & @mustaribrand