In the 60’s and 70’s, guys were chopping bikes and they had NO frame of reference. In other words, they were just being weird, creative artist types with a need to fly their freak flags. With this in mind you gotta ask yourself, am I actually being creative or am I crafting an extremely elaborate imitation?
The 60’s and the 70’s are over but if you want to keep kicking a dead horse, well – that’s your choice.
Respect to those working on bikes that don’t easily fit the stereotype. Respect to those who regard their bike as a form of personal expression. Respect to those who are trying to move it forward instead of backwards. I appreciate your creativity and conviction. Keep it up.

Went off a couple weekends back. Met some new friends and lost track of and re-found some old ones! Slepts behind a bar and then slept in an abandoned bar the next night. Drank a bunch of club guys beers while their backs were turned. Bike ran great until the ignition fried on the way home. Managed to meet a guy who gave me a complete points ignition. I tossed it in and timed it in a parking lot and we were back on our way limping the rest of the way home.
So good to squeeze in one last sun burn for the summer. Now it’s back down into the 60’s here so pretty soon we’ll have to hit some country roads and watch the leaves turn.
In other news:
Super Shifters are back in Stock!
Midesota’s are coming back from chrome today so I’ll updated the shopping cart within the next 24 hours.
“If it ain’t got a SUPER/SHIFTER, It’s probably a sportster.”
We’ve just sold our 100th unit and I’m proud to say we’re gonna keep on rocking and rolling. Get your dick beaters on SS#101 and #102 while supplies last and BEWARE IMITATIONS

Fall to your knees and call to the lord cause you’re gonna need help someday. There’s a lot more to this world and the next than a few old Mann paintings… man.

Lay your money down and ride, boy, ride. The sportsy twins came down from the cities looking for a game of cards.