I was in rare form that afternoon/evening out at Canterbury Park. It was Grand Nationals and everyone I was supposed to cruise up with totally flaked out on me. In the end I made the trip alone and bumped in to all sorts of folks from HEAVY crew to the Bluecat gang. Had a great time, got a bunch of bury pics, bruised my ribs by taking a photo while walking straight into a steel fence post. Also took a leak near the horse stalls n the way out to mark my territory.
Last seasons CHOPOUT 2010 unseen footage of Super-Bry in a hardware store parking lot remounting his rear fender. A little smooth talking at the parts counter led to borrowing a few tools free of charge. Some dude eventually strolled up and gave his kid a roadside lesson in good karma. Many thanks to that fella for rolling around on the ground and lending a helping hand to a stranger.
Holy shit – There I am! I was just cruising the chop sites and noticed that my xs650 videos made it onto Grail’s KnuckleBusterinc.com. Very cool. I’m pretty sure Grail is out of New England and his chopper blog definitely carries that flare. Check him out, lots of lathe tips and other great stuff.